HUMAN INTELLIGENCE, supporting composite warfare operations in Africa

: Barlow (E.)

R 595.00
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434pp., colour illus., paperback, Durban, 2023


Eeben Barlow on understanding the role of military intelligence, HUMINT operations in Africa, intelligence tradecraft, and combat intelligence in support of composite warfare operations.

Lieutenant Colonel Eeben Barlow is a former member of the South African Defence Force and was the second-in-command of its special forces 32 Battalion Reconnaissance Wing. He later served in Military Intelligence as an agent handler and as an operative and region commander in the Civil Cooperation Bureau. He founded the private military company, Executive Outcomes, in 1989. After resigning from Executive Outcomes he served as a political and defence/ security advisor to various African governments. A former chairman of STTEP, he lectures on military matters at defence colleges and universities. He is the author of Executive Outcomes; Against all odds; Composite Warfare: The conduct of successful ground force operations in Africa, and The War for Africa: Conflict, crime, corruption and foreign interests.