TEEN DIE GREIN/ AGAINST THE GRAIN, festschrift vir/ for Hein Willemse, Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 59:3 (2022)

: van Niekerk (J.) & van Wyk (S.) eds.

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234pp., illus., paperback, Pretoria, 2022


Contributions include:

"Die teks as 'n etiese aanspraak" by Willie Burger

"Sarraounia, love and the post colony" by Antoinette Tidjani Alou

"To listen with decolonial ears: Hein Willemse, hidden histories, and the politics of disruptive intervention" by viola c. Milton & Hannelie Marx Knoetze

"Some new perspectives on the Soweto uprising: H.M.L Lentsoane's poem 'Black Wednesday' ('Laboraro le lesoleso')" by Antjie Krog

"The power of exclusion in the works of André Brink and Assia Djebar" by Carina Steenekamp

"Battling statues enter into dialogue at the Gouvernorat du Haut-Katanga" by Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga.

Professor Hein Willemse (b. 1957) has been affiliated with the Department of Afrikaans at the University of Pretoria since 2000, initially as Head of Department (2000-2009). He is a former president of The International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa and was editor-in-chief of the journal Tydskrif vir Letterkunde: a journal for African literature from 2003-2019. He is the author of Aan die ander kant, Swart Afrikaanse skrywers in die Afrikaanse letterkunde and editor of More than brothers: Peter Clarke and James Matthews at 70 and Die stukke wat ons sny,Twintig nuwe Afrikaanse verhale, amongst other titles.

Jacomien van Niekerk is a senior lecturer in the Department of Afrikaans, University of Pretoria. She is the author of baie woorde: Identiteit en transformasie by Antjie Krog and is the current editor of Tydskrif vir Letterkunde: a journal for African literature.

Steward van Wyk is Professor in the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch at the University of the Western Cape.