: Robinson (A.) text & Jardine (R.) photo.

R 430.00
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104pp., colour illus., paperback, Robinson & Jardine, Durban, 2024

ISBN: 9781037005343


Includes recipes for yeast risen, egg risen and chemically risen cakes, pastry and biscuits.

“An inspirational look at how to recreate some of the great classic French pastries, with a nod to a few non-French options. While the book with its delightfully witty commentary so synonymous with Adam, does include basic pasty recipes, the focus is more on offering recipes for treats that will win over new friends. Think of an orange and almond cake, pork pies, brioche buns, croissants, mille-feuilles, financiers, choc chip cookies and more. So less about nourishing the body and more about feeding the soul. What’s not to love?” Ingrid Shevlin, Durban restaurant critic

"This is now, for me, the one and only baking book I need. I was sold even before the last chapter, which is, of course (though no other cook/chef/writer has dared to document it before) Baking with Ganja ... Adam is a fabulous cook. His and wife Carin’s two bakeries/cafes in Glenwood and Florida Road would be roaring successes anywhere in the world, such is the quality of their baking." Eric Platter, co-founder of Platter's Wine Guide

English chef Adam Robinson opened The Glenwood Bakery in Durban with his wife, Dr Carin Robinson, in 2013.

Photographer and graphic designer Roger Jardine has frequented The Glenwood Bakery since it opened.

Robinson and Jardine co-published A Book About Bread.