FAULT LINES, a primer on race, science and society

: Jansen (J.) & Walters (C.) eds.

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284pp., paperback, (Stellenbosch), 2020


Introduction by Jonathan Jansen

Contributions include:

"The Boomerang: how eugenics and racial science in the German colonies rebounded on Europe and the rest of the world" by Steven Robins

"A Century of Misery Research on Coloured People" by Jonathan Jansen and Cyrill Walters 

"Pitfalls of a Profession: Afrikaner historians and the notion of an 'objective-scientific' approach in perspective" by Albert Grundlingh

"Difficult Knowledge: the state of the discussion around 'race' in the social sciences" by Crain Soudien

"Problematising Race and Gender in Everyday Research Processes: a model of feminist research praxis" by Amanda Gouws

"Music's 'Non-political Neutrality': when race dare not speak its name" by Willemien Froneman and Stephanus Muller

"'Race' by Any Other Name Would Smell" by  Cecilia Jacobs

"Science, Race and Ethics" by Keymanthri Moodley.

Jonathan Jansen is Distinguished Professor of Education at Stellenbosch University. He is President of the Academy of Science of South Africa and Chairman of the Jakes Gerwel Fellowship. He is the author of We Need to Act and co-editor of Schooling in South Africa: the enigma of inequality.

Cyrill Walters is a postdoctoral fellow in Higher Education Studies at Stellenbosch University.