HABITATS OF AFRICA, a field guide for birders, naturalists, and ecologists

: Behrens (K.), Barnes (K.) & Campbell (I.)

R 985.00
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448pp., colour illus., maps, paperback, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2025

ISBN: 9780691244761


Guide to 85 major African habitats, including oceanic habitats, and their wildlife.

Includes contributions by Gary Tappan, Giselle Velastegui and Pablo Cervantes.

"This book does a magnificent job in presenting African habitat in all its head-spinning diversity." David Gascoigne, Travels with Birds

"A must-have for anyone with an interest in the natural history of ... Africa!" Ian Paulsen, The Birdbooker Report

Ken Behrens is a professional nature guide. His books include (with Iain Campbell, Charley Hesse, and Phil Chaon) Habitats of the World.

 Keith Barnes is a bird tour leader for Tropical Birding. His books include (with Ken Behrens) Wildlife of Madagascar

Iain Campbell is a professional nature guide and habitat ecologist. His books include (with Phil Chaon and Ben Knoot) Habitats of North America and multiple bird guides.