THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF EGYPT, translated from the Arabic by Russell Harris

: Al Aswany (A.)

R 330.00
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475pp., paperback, Reprint, Edinburgh, (2015) 2017


First published in Arabic in 2013. First published in English in the USA in 2015.

Novel set in Cairo on the eve of the 1952 revolution.  At the Automobile Club of Egypt, where Egyptian staff serve Cairo's elite, Abd el-Aziz Gafaar's children will be forced to make difficult choices.

Egyptian dissident writer Alaa Al Aswany was born in 1957 in Cairo, where he still lives and practices as a dentist. He was a founding member of the Egyptian Movement for Change, or Kefaya. His works in English include the novels The Yacoubian Building, Chicago and The Republic of False Truths, and a collection of short stories Friendly Fire.