A SOVIET JOURNEY, a critical annotated edition, edited by Christopher J. Lee

: La Guma (A.)

R 330.00
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265pp., illus., maps, paperback, First SA Edition, Johannesburg, 2024


This edited and annotated edition of Alex La Guma's A Soviet Journey was first published in the USA in 2017. A Soviet Journey was originally published in Moscow in 1978.

Foreword by Ngũgĩ Wa Thiongo'o. Preface by Blanche La Guma.

"A Soviet Journey is, prima facie, a memoir of his travels throughout the Soviet Union beginning in the late 1960s as a representative of the ANC and the SACP. Though centered on a trip taken in 1975, it is a composite work, informed by experiences from a number of visits." from Christopher Lee's introduction

Activist and writer Alex La Guma (1925-1985) was leader of the South African Coloured People’s Organisation (SACPO), a member of the South African Communist Party and the African National Congress and one of the Treason Trialists. He went into exile in the UK in 1966, and later served as the ANC’s diplomatic representative for Latin America and the Caribbean in Cuba, where he died. His books include A Walk in the Night, In the Fog of the Seasons’ End, and Time of the Butcherbird.

Christopher J. Lee is Associate Professor of History at Lafayette College, USA.