ALBERT LUTHULI, bound by faith

: Couper (A.)

R 270.00
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291 pp., illus., paperback, Pietermaritzburg, 2010


The biography of Albert Luthuli, in which Scott Couper argues that, contrary to contemporary nationalist understanding, Luthuli did not countenance abandoning non-violence in favour of armed struggle in 1961.

"This impassioned and provocative account locates Luthuli as a man of uncompromising Chistian faith and principle who has been woefully - and perhaps wilfully - misinterpreted in ANC historiography. Couper produces a considerable body of fresh evidence to support his view that Luthuli was never persuaded of the moral or strategic imperative to abandon non-violence in favour of the armed struggle. " Saul Dubow, Sussex University

Scott Couper serves the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa as the Development Manager of the Inanda Seminary through the auspices of Global Ministries, United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).