167pp., paperback, Stellenbosch, 2018
This publication arose out of The Effects of Race Project, part of The Stellenboch Institute for Advanced Study's research project on the theme 'Being Human Today'.
Contributions include:
"Perspectives on race and racism: Before and after the South African transition" by Chabani Manganyi
"'Race' and its articulation with 'the human'" by Zimitri Erasmus
"Templates of ordering and maintaining the social: Racial identities and consequences" by Gerhard Maré
"'Being-black-in-the-world' and the future of 'blackness'" by Njabulo Ndebele
"An informal taxonomy of race-ideation" by George Chaplin.
Nina Jablonski is Evan Pugh University Professor of Anthropology at The Pennsylvania State University. Her books include Living Color: The biological and social meaning of skin color (2012).
Gerhard Maré is Professor Emeritus at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. His books include Declassified: Moving beyond the dead end of race in South Africa (2014).