268pp., paperback, Cape Town, 2014
Contributions include:
"Layers of watching and protection in research with children" by Rachel Bray
"Transnational excursions: the ethics of northern anthropological investigations going south" by Leslie London and Helen Macdonald
"In depth, out of my depth: research and care in the field of HIV/AIDS research" by Deborah Posel
"Writing psychotherapy" by Sally Swartz
"Insider, outsider: marriage proposals, advocacy and other ethical quandaries in law and society research" by Sindiso Mnisi Weeks
"When knowledge turns to evidence and silence won’t do" by Anna Versfeld
"The weight of a photographer’s ‘value backpack’: an interview with Paul Weinberg" by Paul Weinberg, Deborah Posel and Fiona Ross.
Deborah Posel is Professor of Sociology, institute for Humanities in Africa, UCT.
Fiona Ross is Professor of Social Anthropology, UCT.