GLOBALISATION, the politics of empire, justice and the life of faith

: Boesak (A.) & Hansen (L.) eds.

R 300.00
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184pp., paperback, Beyers Naudé Centre on Public Theology Series, Volume 4, Stellenbosch, 2009


Contributions include:

"The American Empire and the Entrenchment of Global Inequality" by Sampie Terreblanche

"Theological Reflections on Empire" by Allan Boesak

"Peace Through Commerce: Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (BBEE) and the deracialisation of the South African economy" by Willie Esterhuyse

"Theological Assessment and Eccesiological Implications of the Accra Document 'Covenanting for Justice in the Economy and the Earth' - tentative comments" by Dirkie Smit.

Allan Boesak