: Kriegler (A.) & Shaw (M.)

R 195.00
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214pp., paperback, Johannesburg, 2016


"In a country where public discussions about crime are dominated by emotions and despondency, Kriegler and Shaw have produced a superb guide to explain South Africa's crime situation. Lucid and accessible, this important book will not end the debate about crime statistics and their meaning, but will steer it towards a more sophisticated conversation all South Africans should be having." Martin Schõnteich, Open Society Justice Initiative, New York

"By taking a long view of the numbers, and explaining in detail how to understand them, Kriegler and Shaw remind us that South Africa is safer today than it has been for decades. This book is a timely and important overview of what we can learn from crime statistics in South Africa and how to interpret them." Chandre Gould, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria

"This is a measured, illuminating book that ought to be widely read". Jonny Steinberg, Associate Professor in African Criminology, University of Oxford

Anine Kriegler is a researcher at the Centre of Criminology, University of Cape Town.
Mark Shaw is the Director of the Centre of Criminology at the University of Cape Town. He holds the NRF Chair in African Justice and Security and is the Director of the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime, Geneva.