FRANCE'S AFRICA RELATIONS, domination, continuity and contradiction

: Check (N.), Adar (K.) & Wingo (A.)

R 400.00
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199pp., maps, paperback, Pretoria, 2019


Contributions include:

"French-Africa Changing Foreign and Security Policy, real change or diplomatic propaganda?" by Francis Onditi and Abib Sene

"'Francophonie Africa' Works!" by Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe

"Violence, Freedom, and African Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Francophone African Fiction" by Heike Harting

"Security Reform of French-African Policy Cooperation, incremental process" by Christiane Rafidinarivi .

 Dr Nicasius Achu Check is a Senior Research Specialist in the Governance, Peace and Security Research Programme at the Africa Institute of South Africa.

Prof Korwa Gombe Adar is Professor of International Studies, Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Botswana.

Dr Ajume Wingo is Associate Professor of Philosophy, Associate Director of the Centre for Values and Social Policy and Director of the Law and Philosophy Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Senior Fellow at the Duke University's Centre for WaSte+Aid.