: Garb (T.) curator

R 1,395.00
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142pp., 4to., colour illus., paperback, Fruitmarket & Kettle's Yard, Edinburgh & Cambridge, 2024

ISBN: 9781904561705


Published to accompany the exhibition, Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, October 2024 - February 2025, and Fruitmarket, Edinburgh, March - May 2025.

 "Zvakazarurwa" is a Shona word that translates as "Revelations".

Contributions include:

"Introduction" by Fiona Bradley ad Andrew Nairne

"Painting/ Printing and the Poetics of Revelation" by Tamar Garb

"Dreaming in Shona: Tamar Garb in conversation with Sinazo Chiya, Tandazani Dhlakama and Pumla Gobodo Madikizela".

Portia Zvavahera was born in 1985 in Harare, Zimbabwe, where she currently lives. In 2013 she represented Zimbabwe at the 55th Venice Biennale and was the recipient of the 10th Tollman Award for Visual Arts. In 2014 she won the FNB Art Prize awarded at the Joburg Art Fair.

Tamar Garb is Durning Lawrence Professor in the History of Art at University College London.