PRISONERS OF THE PAST, South African democracy and the legacy of minority rule

: Friedman (S.)

R 380.00
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218pp., paperback, Johannesburg, 2021

"Friedman offers incisive analysis of South Africa’s incomplete transition by demonstrating how ‘path dependence’ has entrenched a political economy of insiders and outsiders that reinforces the racial and social inequalities of the past. Using the work of Mamdani and Wolpe, Friedman makes a compelling argument for new negotiations to create an economy in which all members of society have a stake." Sithembile Mbete, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences and Associate Fellow of the Centre for Governance Innovation, University of Pretoria

"In this highly readable book, veteran political analyst Steven Friedman provides a powerful explanation for the persistence of South Africa's entrenched racial inequalities. The 'path dependence', he persuasively argues, can only be overcome through hard bargaining and compromises negotiated between government, economic power holders and social interest groupings." Edward Webster, Distinguished Research Professor, Southern Centre for Inequality Studies, University of the Witwatersrand

Political scientist, newspaper columnist and former trade unionist Steven Friedman is Research Professor attached to the Department of Politics in the Humanities Faculty, University of Johannesburg. He is the author of Power in Action (2018).