or, a particular account of the several nations of the Hottentots: their religion, government, laws, customs, ceremonies, and opinions; their art of war, professions, language, genius, &c. together with a short account of the Dutch settlement at the Cape.; and Vol. II. containing the natural history of the Cape, or a particular description of all the sorts of animals and vegetables in that neighbourhood; as of beasts, birds, insects, sea- and river-fishl, trees, shrubs, plants, herbs, roots, and flowers. Likewise an account of the mineral productions, and of the sea-, river-, and spring-waters there. Together with some observations on the cape-winds and air. To which is prefix'd a topographical account of the colonies there as of their extent, rivers, springs, mountains roads, places of note &c.
Written Originally in High German, done in English by from the original by Mr. Medley, illustrated with copper plates
2 vols., xviii + 365pp., xviii + 363pp., illus., folding map, unattractively rebound in green leather, London, 1731