310pp., paperback, Johannesburg, 2017
Contributions include
"Decentring the Question of Race: critical reflections on colonialism of a special type" by Jeremy Cronin and Alex Mohubetswane Mashilo
'Oliver Tambo and the National Question" by Luli Callinicos
"Vicissitudes of the National Question: Afrikaner style" by T.Dunbar Moodie
"The Marxist Workers' Tendency of the African National Congress" by Martin Legassick
"Variations on a Zulu Theme" by Ari Sitas
"Neville Alexander and the National Question" by Enver Motala and Salim Vally
"The National Question Confronts the Ethnic Question" by Gerhard Maré
"Black Consciousness as Nationalism of a Special Type" by Xolela Mangcu
"Postponing the National Question: feminism and the women's movement" by Shireen Hassim.
Edward Webster is Research Professor in the Society, Work and Development Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand.
Freelance writer Karin Pampallis is currently Project Manager with the Hidden Voices Project at the Society, Work and Development Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand.