TOWNSHIP POLITICS, civic struggles for a new South Africa, edited by Patrick Bond, foreword by Mel King

: Mayekiso (M.)

R 375.00
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288pp., illus., paperback, First SA Edition, Johannesburg, 2023


First published in the USA in 1996. This edition includes a new prologue by Thozamile Botha.

Mzwanele Mayekiso on the internal dynamics, beliefs and aims of the various civic organisations in Alexandra township in the 1980s and 1990s.

Mayekiso participated in the Alexandra Action Committee, founded in 1986. The brother of union leader Moses Mayekiso, he was a co-accused in the trial in which the Mayekisos were charged with treason and subversion for their community and union organising work. They were acquitted in 1989 after spending nearly three years in prison.